Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weighing In

This morning I was reading the chapter "Try Something New" in Joyce Meyer's book Never Give Up. The verse from Romans 12:2-3 came to mind. "Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

I was talking to the Lord about my food struggles of late and wondering why I was able to be so disciplined a year ago and I am failing miserably now. I know it isn't His will for me to be regaining the weight I've lost and it isn't His will for me to be so focused on food. It seemed the Lord was saying, "You're struggling so much because you were doing it in your own strength for a while and you ran out of strength. Now do it in my strength because you can never use that up." Whoa, did God say that? When those thoughts come to mind I just know that I'm not smart enough to come up with them so it has to be the Spirit speaking to my heart.

It gets better. Suddenly this morning as I was reading the thought comes to me, "You're thinking like the Israelites in the desert. God gave them manna and they were complaining. God gave them the best food ever and they were tired of it." Then I realized, "God has given me the best food ever and I have the same attitude." I heard a woman speak on weight loss (she too had lost a lot of weight) and she talked about those prepared foods that we love so much being designed by chef Satan to tempt us when we want to put good food in our bodies but at the same time crave junk food. Just like Eve in the garden of Eden, Satan has me thinking that I am missing out and he is getting my eyes off of all that God has for me. That is not to say that there isn't ever a time that I can have treats that fall under the man-made food category rather than the God made.

Now let's not get legalistic here. I realize that much of our food supply has been altered and that even things as close to their original source as possible (think fruits and vegetables) aren't quite what God gave us. But we live in a fallen world where nothing is quite what God gave us so it's the best we have and God will honor our use of it. Certainly a fresh apple is less tampered with than a doughnut.

This is where the renewing of the mind, or the new way of thinking, comes in. So next time I want a treat and I know it hasn't been very long since I've had one I need to remember what God showed me this morning. I need to use that renewed thinking to keep me on God's path so I don't find that lost weight. I'm sure I could benefit from some changes. It's probably time to rethink my plan. Maybe I need to add some different healthy foods to my diet or try the frequent small meals concept.

I need to do something different because I know that God did not direct me to lose 120 pounds only to gain it back again. I know God has something planned for me that requires the maintenance of this weight loss. I'm not sure yet what He has planned but I know He will show me when He knows I am ready. God has already used the weight loss for His glory but I know He has so much more. I need to keep that in sight when I am tempted to indulge in the immediate gratification of junk food rather than waiting on the better things God has for me or when I grumble because I feel deprived when others are eating junk.

At church yesterday we sang the chorus "More love, more power, more of you in my life." Our speaker (Dr. Duane Durst, Assemblies of God Lakeshore District superintendent-there to officially install our new pastor) said his version is "More love, more power, less of me in Your way." He said we already have all the Jesus we need it's just that we stand in the way of Jesus working in our lives. But God doesn't force us to get out of the way because of His great love for us He allows us to choose. The problem is our short sightedness. We think standing in God's way is us exercising our freedom but if we had a God's eyeview of our lives we would see that walking in our version of freedom is actually a bondage. Aren't we just like kids? How often do parents watch as their kids make the same mistakes they made knowing that experience is the best teacher. God knows what's best for us if we just trust Him. It's easier said than done but I know what I'm doing now isn't working so it's time to try it God's way.

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